Collection of recordings

Just a few recordings here. I make mistakes but perhaps some will enjoy. More are in work but not yet deemed to be presentable enough.

Goals here are 1) Work on regaining skill level from decades ago and 2) Always be ready to handle piano supply if needed.

Ultimately I would like to be able to do some works by Ernesto Cortazar II.

Bach and Beethoven are generally works I have been able to do in the distant past.

Works of Kaiserin are present because I enjoy them and some seem to be within reasonable reach.

Most of Cortazar's works are out of reach at the moment. Kaiserin has provided pieces that seem possible as well as good training to try some Cortazar.

Both Cortazar and Kaiserin are notable for some great rumbling but non-obtrusive bass. My piano is supposed to be suitable, after it is completed...

Newer music!
  • Rumble Channel: SteinWas
  • Works in progress. No promises on when I will get them polished enough to post... :
  • Bach: Prelude IV in C#m BWV 849
  • Kaiserin Rebecca: I'll Cry
  • Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata Mvt 1
  • Kaiserin Rebecca: Face the Darkness